Wednesday 9 January 2013

Officials arrest five goats in Osun State, animals to be charged to court

Residents of Dele-Yesa area, Osogbo, Osun state were taken by surprise
on Tuesday, when officials of the state Waste Management Agency, OWMA,
arrested five Goats.
The state Coordinator of OWMA, Mr. Henry Ogunbanwo stated that the
goats were arrested for violating environmental laws.
The animals were caught roaming around the residential area of the
state capital instead of being caged by their owners.
After being arrested, the goats were detained at the OWMA office in Osogbo.
They would be charged to court for prosecution, says the OWMA co-ordinator.
Prior to the incident, a notice of warning had been issued to all Osun
state residents on the needto monitor their domestic animals so as to
avoid public disturbance.
Mr Ogunbanwo further said “the present administration in the state has
zero tolerance for dirtiness and environmental hazard, the
environmental laws must be strictly adhered to”
He added that “OWMA officials would from now move to every nook and
cranny of the state to arrest animals violating environmental laws.
The owners of such animals would also be dealt with in accordance with
theprovisions of the laws.”


**she cut through skin, fat & muscle, reaching her uterus & pulling
out her baby boy. she cut his umbilical cord with a pair of scissors.
This is one tough mother: Ines Ramirez is the only woman known to have
performed a successful Caesarean-section on herself! The sun had set
hours ago. The nearest clinic was 80 km away over rough roads, and her
husband, her only assistant during a half-dozen previous births, was
drinking at a cantina. She had no phone and neither did the cantina.
So at midnight, after 12 hours of constant pain, the petite,
40-year-old mother of six sat down on a low wooden bench. She took
several gulps from a bottle of rubbing alcohol, grabbed a 15-cm knife
and began to cut.
By the light of a single dim bulb, Ramirez sawed through skin, fat and
muscle before reaching inside her uterus and pulling out her baby boy.
She says she cut his umbilical cord with a pair of scissors, then
passed out. When she regained consciousness, she wrapped a sweater
around her bleeding abdomen and asked her 6-year-old son, Benito, to
runfor help. Several hours later, the village health assistant, Leon
Cruz,and a second health worker found Ramirez alert and lying beside
her live baby. Cruz sewed her 17-cm incision up with a regular needle
and thread. The two men lifted mother and child onto a thin straw mat,
lugged them up horse paths to the town's only road, then drove them to
the clinic over two hoursaway.
That was March 5, 2000. Now Ines Ramirez is recognized internationally
as a modern miracle: She is believed to be the only woman known to
have performed a successful Caesarean-section on herself.

Friday 4 January 2013

Desperate Measures: Unemployed First Class Graduate Advertises CV On BillBoard

No one can deny that the job market is bleak for many.
Thousands of unemployed people spend their days tirelessly filling out application forms, composing cover letters, and trying to think of a creative answer to ‘what would you say your weaknesses are in the workplace?’
And after unsuccessfully applying for countless positions, Adam Pacitti had had enough – and spent his last £500 on a billboard asking employers to give him a job.
The 24-year-old dreamed up the way of promoting himself, and his talents, three months ago, after sending out his CV for at least 250 different positions.
Adam, who lives with his family on the Isle of Wight, said he wanted to add something extra to his application – and as video CVs are now a popular form of a applying for jobs, decided to go a little bigger.
He said: ‘I thought traditional advertising could work to promote it. It’s a very striking image and I thought news outlets would be able to cover it easily.’
Graduate Adam Pacitti is hopeful someone will give him a job
Now, after creating the website, and yesterday posting the billboard and Tweeting the image, the would-be producer has watched his campaign for employment go viral in less than 24 hours.
He said: ‘After posting, I had about ten re-Tweets in an hour.
‘Then my phone exploded, and now I’ve had over 7,000 re-Tweets.
‘I’m incredibly humbled that people have seen I’ve thought outside the box, and then shared this with others.’
After graduating this year with a First Class Honours degree in Media Production from the University of Winchester, the student worked in an arcade, filling the two-pence machines and stacking toys.
He said: ‘I was grateful to have a job, but it’s not something I’d really like to do.
‘I came up with the idea for the video and billboard about three months ago, and managed to save up £500 while working.
‘I called in favours from friends and asked studios, and made the video, and decided to post the billboard in London, because that’s where most of the jobs are.’

“Youngest Nigerian billionaire”, Ladi Delano, Eniola Mafe named “Top 5 African Leaders of 2013″

Ladi Delano
For all the young, black, talented individuals looking to leave their mark on society in 2013, there are thirteen young African business and economic leaders that you may want to pattern your success after. The crowning glory of their success is that they are all under the age of forty.
1.) Ladi Delano, Founder & CEO, Bakrie Delano Africa (BDA)
This Nigerian young man accomplished making his first million dollars selling alcoholic beverages during his residence in China. At the tender age of 22 in the year 2004, he started a business called Solidarnosc Asia which specialized in manufacturing a premium brand of Vodka called Solid XS. Delano did not stop there, however. He branched out his company to launch The Collection — a dining and entertainment venue — which is obviously a smart move for someone who owns an alcohol business.
2.) Clare Akamanzi, COO, Rwanda Development Board (RDB)
Here we have a brilliant young lady of Rwanda. The RDB is a government organization which facilitates faster economic growth and development within Rwanda. Akamanzi has been a member of this institution since it was birthed in 2008. When she was 33 years of age, she served as their Deputy Chief Executive Officer and then moved to managing their Business Operations and Services branch.
How did this young lady who grew up in Uganda where her parents had been taken as refugees during the genocide achieve this much success? Perhaps her Masters Degree in Trade and Investment Policy cum International Trade and Investment Lawyer was a good start.
3.) Ashish Thakkar, Co-Founder and CEO, Mara Group
Thakkar, a British-born Ugandan, co-founded Mara Group at the age of 29. This company is a Ugandan conglomerate offering services in hotels, renewable energy, finance, technology, and manufacturing. Numerous branches of business aside, it is also remarkable that Mara Group serves regularly in 17 African countries. With CEO Thakkar at the helm, this business has been able to clock about $100 million.
4.) Achumile “Ace” Majija, Group Lead for the Risk & Capital MI at Prudential Momentum Plc.
At the age of 28, Ace is the first African to serve on the Prudential Momentum Programme. This organization is an international leadership development program for the company Prudential Momentum Plc.. The latter company operates in international financial services, personal banking, insurance and pension products.
Also known as “young Obama from Africa,” this young man is a graduate of the Nelson Metropolitan University with a degree in economics and finance. In addition, he also has an MBA from the University of Leeds Business School in the UK.
5.) Eniola Mafe, African Program Manager at Vital Voices Global Partnership
Eniola Mafe
Last but certainly not least, we have yet another young lady. We do not know her exact age, but we do know that she is at least under the age of 33. Because of her role as African Program Manager, Mafe was recently dubbed a “Convener” in the Diplomatic Courier’s Top 99 under 33 for the year 2012. Vital Voices Global Partnership is an international non-profit organization based in Washington, D.C.. They work alongside women leaders for the purpose of promoting women’s human rights, political participation, and economic empowerment. Mafe says that her role allows her to “bring people together in creative ways to address a pressing international issue or enhance the foreign policy community.”
As you set out to make your dreams come true in 2013, keep these young leaders in mind. The beauty of all of these young adults is not simply that they were able to reach great heights. A part of that beauty is knowing that, if they can achieve greatness, you can, too.

Lil Wayne Gets New Face Tattoo That Says…

Weezy just got a new tattoo on his face. The man with the number of tattoos no one is sure of decided to get something written on his face. Guess what was it says…
LilWayneHQ says:
Lil Wayne recently got a new tattoo on his forehead that reads “Baked“. The tattoo is a logo from Baker Skateboards, which is a skateboarding company. I guess this tatt shows exactly how serious Weezy F Baby is with skating!
The location of the tattoo some think is simply because Weezy’s whole body is already tattooed, and there may be no space left for “Baked”.
Check out photos of the new tattoo and others here…

Why I chose Hinduism over Christianity – Biola Ige

biola-igeBiola Ige is an epitome of beauty. She joined the industry about four years ago and already she has become one of the most-sought- after actresses in Nollywood. Recently, she suffered a terrible growth of her thyroid gland that affected her neck, tongue, complexion and ultimately her budding career.
Then, it looked as if, all was over for her. But with divine intervention, she was flown to India where an operation was successfully carried out on her. And today, Biola can live to retell her story. In this interview, she talks about the operation, the rumoured controversy between Tonto Dikeh and her new-found faith- Hinduism. Enjoy!
How did you become an actress?
I have always wanted to be an actress since I was a child. Then, I wanted to star in Hollywood movies because my dad was a movie person. As a child, I had the opportunity to watch all the hit movies produced in Hollywood alongside my elder brother. My dad also supported my dream, but he wanted me to travel to America after my studies.
Unfortunately, when I completed my secondary education, my dad was not as wealthy as he used to be. He couldn’t send me to America again as he promised. As a result, there was nothing I could do. Like I said earlier, I fell in love with acting, but l wanted to act in Hollywood. When it didn’t work out because of lack of finance, l moved to Lagos after my University education. I went for auditions in Lagos and landed my first role in “Blindfold” produced by OJ Productions.
How many movies have you done to date?
Acquiring experience in whatever job you are doing is very vital and my experience has helped me star in more than fifty movies and I am still counting. Yes, I have been in the industry for about four years. I am proud of my achievement. I would have starred in more than fifty movies now, if not because of my sickness that took me to India. I am back in the country though lam not looking the same again. I am grateful to God for giving me my life back.
Which role has been the most challenging in your career?
The most challenging role for me was the one I played in the movie “Blackmail”. In that movie, l played the role of a model who married a rich man. Complications set in when the model’s old flame showed up as an employee in the company owned by her husband. And the situation became more complex when she fell again for the old flame who was already married to another woman. The intiruges at play were very challenging.
Which of your movies has been most financially rewarding and how much did you rake in from it ?
The monetary compensation is good, but it is not the most important thing when it comes to growing in your craft. Yes, l was rewarded for some of my jobs, but l cannot tell how much was given to me. I remember, “Blackmail”, Grand Player”, “Shakira”, “Darkest Link” and “My Fantansy”, were quite rewarding.
Is it true that you went to India to undergo an operation?
Well, I was very sick at some point in my acting career. I ran different tests because l didn’t know what was wrong with me. The test results showed I had thyroid problem. So, I travelled to India for treatment as well as to worship. I am sure people would think I went there for spiritual powers.I am sorry to disappoint you guys because I am not that kind of person.
What do you mean, you had a thyroid problem?
Having a thyroid problem is a grave disorder and illness. It is as a result of the expansion of the neck. It occurs when your thyroid gland over works itself or under works itself because of lack of the nutrient known as iodine.
When you said to worship, what do you mean by that?
It was an avenue for me to worship my God and yes, l worship as an Hindu. I know what you may want to say. I do not see anything wrong with following any religion of your choice. It is a free world. And I choose Hinduism.
What is your view of women who do body-enhancing jobs?
It is all about choice, so if you don’t feel good about your body and you have the money to do body makeover surgery, then do it with joy. As for me, I am good with the body God gave me. If a man doesn’t like me the way l am then he is on his own. But my only advice is that you should love yourself the way you are, there is nothing wrong with the body God gave you.
What would attract you to a man?
The way l carry myself is unique, but you can never tell what these men see in the ladies that attract them! Moreover, we all have something that should attract different men as the case maybe. Most men see things we don’t even know we possess. So, I would leave that to the men to decide what they see in me.
Did you become an Hindu when you travelled to India or while you were in Nigeria?
I was a Hinduist before I travelled to India. I was a Christian before I changed my faith and I must tell you I have found peace in Hinduism. And in India, I felt at home. I didn’t feel like returning to Nigeria again because everyone was so nice to me.
What is the controversy between Tonto Dike and yourself?
When I was sick, there were a lot of stories flying here and there that Tonto Dike was responsible for my sickness. But l didn’t believe it because we were not even friends before I fell sick. And why would Tonto Dike want to harm me when she has made a name for herself?
Are you in a relationship?
I don’t have time for that at the moment. I have just returned from a long break of illness and l need to make up in my career for the time I have lost.
When are we hearing the wedding bells for you?
Marriage comes naturally in the course of living and meeting people. I am not in a hurry to tie the knots. In fact, I am taking another three years to grow myself before thinking about marriage.
Some of your female colleagues are getting married to married men. Would you marry a married man?
When I am in a relationship, it takes my whole being and life. So if I am in love, l fall hopelessly in love, hence l cannot see myself loving another woman’s husband. I cannot share my man at all with any woman as I do not share my love.
Who are those people you admire in the industry?
I admire everyone I have worked with and my colleagues in the industry. I cannot actually mention one person as being more special to me. They are all different and special in their own ways.
Before you take up a role what do you consider first?
I picture the role and character in my mind’s eyes and how it is going to play out. I also consider what people would say when they see the movie and the character I played. If it will boost my image then the role is mine, if it is not good for me then l leave it.
Do you have any regret since choosing acting as a career?
I regretted not having my usual childish yearnings. I hate it when people discuss you, when they don’t even know you to guide their judgment. I hate that l cannot join the regular bus, but l don’t care what people say when l park to buy my regular roasted plantain known as boli. When it comes to that l don’t care what people say again!
Tell us a little about your childhood?
My childhood was awesome! I was a kid who loved to play football when I was growing up with my siblings. We went swimming in the river, climbing mango trees to pluck mangoes and all that. I was a tomboy while growing up, I never did girls stuff at all.
Are you related to the popular late Bola Ige family?
No. It is just a case of name sakes; late Bola Ige was from Oyo state, while l hail from Osun state.
Which part of your body do you consider sexiest?
Most people would say they prefer my boobs, shape and all that, but to me, I prefer my eyes. They are the mirror to my soul.
Nollywood is really evolving, with more sensual scenes. Would you take a role that involves you having sex on set?
I won’t describe it as having sex because it is drama- a make- believe world; hence everything done is not real. I would describe it as pretending to have sex. And yes I have done that in many movies, but they were never real.
How do you describe Nollywood love-making scene?
Nollywood love-making scenes are not like Hollywood where boobs and bums are exposed. In Africa, it is not in our tradition to do stuffs like that; hence the producers, directors and actors themselves are careful how they interpret such roles because of their futures.
Culled: Vanguard

Police arrest man for killing his four months old son for ritual

The police command in Kogi state have arrested a middle aged man, Mr Hosea Folorunsho in Egbe town of Yagba West local government council for the alleged gruesome murder of his son for ritual purpose.
Briefing journalists on the arrest in Lokoja, the Kogi state capital, the Commissioner of Police, Mr Mohammed Katsina says the suspect, a herbalist, also buried the child in a shallow grave in his own compound.
The state’s Commissioner of Police, Mohammed Katsina while parading the suspect, Chief Hosea Folorunsho, at the state command headquarters, Lokoja-the state capital, disclosed that on the 31st of December 2012, the herbalist killed his son for alleged ritual.
Narrating the police investigation, the police boss, Mr Katsina disclosed that on the New Year’s Eve, at about 11:55PM, the suspect quietly took the baby named Sunday Folorunsho who was asleep in the middle of the night and murdered him in gruesome circumstances.
He added that having accomplished his mission, the suspect dug a shallow grave in his compound and hurriedly buried the corps of the baby.
The police escorted Mr Folorunsho to his compound where the baby’s corpse was buried and he was then asked to exhume the corpse.
Digging out the corpse of the baby, he handed over the body to a pathologist who conducted an autopsy on the dead baby.
The autopsy result read that the child died of multiple fractures through the application of blunt object and trauma.
The 48 year old suspect, a native of Egbe in Yagba West Local Government Area (LGA) of the state is married with three other kids.

Why D’banj And Genevieve Nnaji Broke Up

dbanj genny12Some of you think the relationship between D’banj and Genevieve Nnaji was a publicity stunt…it wasn’t! The sexy stars dated off and on between 2009 and early 2012D’banj recently opened up to Toolz on the Juice about his relationship with Ms Nnaji and said he doesn’t know who dumped who
Genevieve was a friend…(but now) I haven’t seen her…I don’t know who dumped who.
I can tell you for free that Genevieve did the dumping. Not necessarily because she wanted to, but because she had no choice. There were just too many women around D’banj. It seemed at a point, a lot of women wanted a piece of the Kokomaster, including a close friend of the actress who allegedly began an affair with D’banj behind her back. Genny decided she’d had enough and ended things in late 2011.
Genevieve and D’banj briefly reconciled in early 2012, but ended things for good after D’banj started flaunting his relationship with Ghanian actress, Nadia Buhari.
The relationship which began in late 2009 after the two met at the airport, became public after D’banj granted an exclusive interview to Stella Dimoko Korkus in March 2010, expressing his feelings for Miss Nnaji.
D’banj said:
“We have been trying to keep this quiet but yes, , I am dating Genevieve Nnaji. I am in love with her. It’s been long I felt this way about anyone. I don’t know what other words to use to qualify my feelings. She’s my baby, she’s my everything and I love her.”
People in the know claim that it wasn’t only the other women in D’banj’s life that ended their relationship but also because Genny herself was not committed to the relationship. D’banj was said to have been hurt after he heard that Genny had also allegedly dated another popular Nigerian singer.